 第6回 応用動物科学セミナー(終了しました)
演題:  Therapeutic potential of stem cells in neuromuscular disorders
演者:  Masatoshi Suzuki, Ph.D., D.V.M.
演者所属:  Department of Comparative Biosciences, and
 The Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center,
 University of Wisconsin-Madison
日時:  2012年6月5日(火)13:30 ~
場所:  農学部7号館A棟1階104/105号室 画像をクリックで
レポート:  本セミナーは動物科学のフロンティア(修士課程)および動物科学フロンティア(博士課程)の講義1回分として認定されます.履修者はセミナーの内容をまとめたレポートを作成の上(様式は自由)下記担当教員まで提出すること.
提出期限:  2012年6月19日(火)
担当教員:  応用動物科学専攻 細胞生化学教室
 田中 智 准教授
 Tel: 03-5841-5372
その他:  Our current research is to apply stem cell technology to disease modeling and therapeutic applications for neuromuscular diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and muscular dystrophy. These diseases affect to skeletal muscle and/or nervous control, resulting in functioning of skeletal muscle directly via muscle pathology or indirectly via nervous system. On the translational front, we are using human neural stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells as therapeutic applications for ALS. The overall aim of our current idea is to provide growth factor delivery using stem cells to the spinal cord (i.e. cell body) and/or skeletal muscle (i.e. nerve terminals of motor neurons). Specifically, we are now focusing on therapeutic treatments against “dying-back” phenomena: preserve neuromuscular connections in order to delay the progressive distal to proximal degeneration of motor neuron cell body. Furthermore, we start a new research project to establish skeletal muscle stem cells using human embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. This project is a part of the first project finding the best cells to transplant into the muscle for ALS and also will bring new therapeutic applications and in vitro disease modeling to other neuromuscular diseases such as muscular dystrophy, Pompe disease, and spinal muscular atrophy.
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C 2012 応用動物科学専攻広報 担当